Monday, September 16, 2013

Last full week in SG! (9/09/13 - 15/09/13)

This past week was my last full week in SG before I go back to the UK to embark on my 2nd year of law school.
Didn't really anything that exciting considering it was my last week. I'm actually more of a home-body so I was rather content just staying home, savoring the last vestiges of having absolutely nothing to do.

Here are some pictures from the times I abandoned being a hermit for a couple of hours.

clams for dinner at home

seaweed tofu made by my mom

Details : YSL ring, miu miu handbag, black lace shorts

The last green tea latte I'll be having for the next few months because Starbucks in the UK sucks..

my stashhhh of green tea kit kats!
With the amount of food I have in my luggage, I could probably start my own asian convenience store over in the UK / be an asian food dealer.

KOI Cafe bubble tea!
Gold cuff with spikes is from Harrods.

Sukiyaki at Sun with Moon!

Some of the courses we had for our omakase meal.

Steamboat at Imperial Treasures!
Condiments to make our own dipping sauce.

I'll definitely still be blogging when I'm back in the UK!
I'm also going somewhere on vacation before school officially starts so watch out for more interesting posts on this space!
Also, send in your requests for future posts via my account ( or just comment on this post :)

This will probably be my last post in SG so I'll catch up with you guys on the other side of the world!


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